I forgot how fun this was! My surgery was on Monday. My husband took me in at 12:30 and my surgery began at 3:15pm. One of the most difficult parts was not being able to drink or eat anything from midnight on. I am a habitual water drinker, even in them middle of the night - so this was torture. The rest went as expected. Anesthesia went seamlessly, and I was pretty coherent and back home by 5:30. The first evening is always a blur. My Mom was here to help us, and I had sent my boys to their Grandpa's house for one night so I could just rest and not worry about keeping them in line.
Tuesday morning was a whole different story. My Dad, who rarely has the kids alone - dropped off both boys at 10am. My husband was at work, girls were not out of bed yet and the boys come running through the house. My Dad sees my condition and hands me a bag with the two small pills that my Asperger's/ADHD 8 year old must take upon waking up each morning and says... "he didn't want to take them." Really?
For the next half an hour until his medicine begins to work, both boys are bouncing off the walls and it's a near panic situation. My foot was throbbing and I was in sweats from my percocet. Kindle to the rescue.
We have such issues with rules in regards to video games in our home. I am very strict about the amount of time they are allowed to play. Part of this is just making sure that they remain able to socialize with people and have manners and self-control. The other part is because of the detachment issues associated with my son's Asperger's. He has an extremely hard time with transition. This is normal Aspergers behavior and sometimes common with kids, period. Often when he is too involved in a game and we ask him to stop - it's meltdown mode. His reaction can fluctuate between calmly handing over the remote, or throwing it at your head.
On a morning like this one, I was willing to let him play until his eyes bled.
My surgeon removed all the hardware that was put in from my surgery last January. I had a large plate and 3 screws. One of the screws was already backing out and causing pressure and bruising. It was very close to coming through the skin. She cleaned up the mess made by Dr. Carreiro and left me with a smaller incision area, one screw and hopefully a much cleaner and smaller scar (she mentioned that he had done a hack job to begin with.) I feel so thankful to have a good surgeon. I should have gone with her in the first place, but hindsight...
This time around I received an orthopedic shoe. My husband thinks it looks like a 4x4 Teva. I despise Teva shoes, but I do agree this is more sporty than the astro-boot I had to wear last time. I am using crutches sparingly to get around and I am already putting pressure on my heel... as opposed to having to wait 6 weeks to do so before. Everything about this surgery feels better. By my next surgery on the right foot, I will be a seasoned professional.
My dressing will come off on Monday, one week from my surgery date. I cannot change the dressing or get it wet at all. I have managed to take two showers on my own and have found that dry shampoo, as awesome as it is... will never take the place of a good hot shower - even with a bag on your foot.
until Monday, when I can reveal the goods...